這次的旅程搭荷航從愛丁堡進-倫敦出 都在荷蘭史基浦機場轉機,但是在曼谷會中停喔!
曼谷中停加油! 曼谷地勤會一直說 阿母絲特丹~阿母絲特丹~阿母絲特丹
2010英國-英格蘭 day13 london
早-白金漢宮 諾丁丘市場
午- 柯芬園
晚-柯芬園逛街交通-bus 148 to 白金漢宮
英國的交通網真的是太方便啦,搭公車or tube行程怎麼走 公車站在哪裡?幾點幾分到 都可以查
想要看白金漢宮衛兵交接,不等個2小時哪占的到好位子呢!!!不過我那天去沒有衛兵交接的活動,可能是教宗來(去愛丁堡時,也是因為教宗來才不能去Holyrood house 荷里路德宮),真巧!
2010英國-英格蘭 day12 London
2010英國-英格蘭 day11 london
Day 11 2010/09/23(Tus) London
早- bbr factory
晚-Musical the lion king (網路先預約)
晚餐 china town
bbr factory
Hackney Central Rail Station出了火車站右轉, 過了KFC後,紅綠燈左轉就看到Tesco,過了Tesco, 右邊的Chatham Place右轉進去, 在右手邊的Factory Store就是了。裡面有一些大特價的瑕疵品。bbr風衣雖然特價400-600鎊,想了一想還是算了,台灣的天氣可能不那麼適合穿風衣,不過我買了一件瑕疵的羽絨衣(雙向拉鍊的拉環掉了一個),還跑去問店員修理要多少錢,他當時說換拉環不用花太多錢,就買下去了,原價400鎊~~~~(貴)
要花多少呢? 300鎊--免 200鎊----免
特價160鎊(還是很貴阿) 不管了啦!!難得來到這裡當然要給他衝下去阿
早- bbr factory
晚-Musical the lion king (網路先預約)
晚餐 china town
bbr factory
Hackney Central Rail Station出了火車站右轉, 過了KFC後,紅綠燈左轉就看到Tesco,過了Tesco, 右邊的Chatham Place右轉進去, 在右手邊的Factory Store就是了。裡面有一些大特價的瑕疵品。bbr風衣雖然特價400-600鎊,想了一想還是算了,台灣的天氣可能不那麼適合穿風衣,不過我買了一件瑕疵的羽絨衣(雙向拉鍊的拉環掉了一個),還跑去問店員修理要多少錢,他當時說換拉環不用花太多錢,就買下去了,原價400鎊~~~~(貴)
要花多少呢? 300鎊--免 200鎊----免
特價160鎊(還是很貴阿) 不管了啦!!難得來到這裡當然要給他衝下去阿
2010英國-英格蘭 day10 bicester village
行程:bicester village
早- L.N. 15mins -> London Marylebone station
晚-London eye
交通:9:17 London Marylebone station -> 10:10 bicester north 23.4£
下面是去Bicester Village 的方式:
1. 先搭tube到 London Marylebone Station
2. 到Marylebone 車站後, 往British railway的方向走. 到了火車站後, 坐往Bicester North的火車 (From Marylebone to Bicester North). 車程約一小時
3. 到Bicester North(其實是終點站). 走出車站右邊就會看到Taxbus, 一人£4的單程車資. 然後約10分鐘的車程, 就到Bicester Villiage 了. 然後你就可以開始一家一家慢慢逛囉..對了回車站一樣到bicester villiage外面有一個BUS stop的亭子等taxbus, 再給£4, 坐回bicester north 車站. (記得要看清楚月台, 通常是在第2月台坐回來)
2010英國-蘇格蘭 day7-highland5-愛丁堡
行程:伊凡尼斯 to Edinburgh
Winding our way down the west coast of Scotland, we’ll visit the monstrous Loch Ness and the mysterious and haunting Glencoe - areas that formed the backdrop to the movies "Braveheart" and "Rob Roy". We cross the wilds of Rannoch Moor (watch out for the stags) and south, past historic Stirling, arriving back in Edinburgh early evening.
今天的尼斯湖一樣壟罩著水氣 ,可惜NESSIE沒出現
2010英國-蘇格蘭 day6-highland4
Day 6 2010/09/18(Sat) highland4
Orkney to 伊凡尼斯 今天坐了一整天的車 趕了600mile的路
First we visit the Italian chapel. This place of worship was built by 550 Italian POW's in the Second World War. We then bid Orkney farewell and make the ferry crossing back to the mainland and a journey south through Scotland’s rugged terrain. We travel through the sparsely populated wilderness of Sutherland and Caithness, via glens left deserted as a result of the Highland Clearances. Tonight you have a chance to spend the night in a haunted Highland castle where you can spend the evening exploring the corriders, forest and grounds that surround this legendary building.
早上睡飽飽,出發坐渡輪前,來到島上海灘玩一下。因為太冷我不敢去玩水,但是勇者團友快速衝向海水!!!!體驗冷吱吱的快感 O.o |
2010英國-蘇格蘭 day5-highland3
Day 5 2010/09/17(Fri) highland3
Today we head off to explore Skara Brae, dating from the late Neolithic period and inhabited between 3,200BC and 2,200BC. This incredible stone village is made up of eight dwellings (some still containing original furniture) linked together by a series of low alleyways and is a marvel of ancient building techniques. There will also be time to visit the magnificent standing stones at the Ring of Brodgar before heading to the 5,000 years old Maeshowe - a Neolithic chambered cairn and passage grave今天天氣不太好 有些預計景點沒辦法去和導遊討論結果決定去另外付費的high land park 威士忌酒廠
2010英國-蘇格蘭 day4-highland2
Day 4 2010/09/16(Thr) highland2
Carbisdale Castle to Orkney 今天要搭船去 Orkney島
We continue our journey north passing over the Moray Firth where we may even spot some common dolphins or minke whales. We then pass the Black Isle (home of the delicious Black Isle beers). It's then onto John O'Groats, Britain's most north easterly point before catching the ferry over the Pentland Firth to the Orkney Islands, home to more archaeological ruins in one area than anywhere else in Europe and our base for the next two nights!
2010英國-蘇格蘭 day1 &2 -愛丁堡
Day 1&2 2010/09/13 14(Mon) Heathrow-愛丁堡
早-阿姆斯特丹-愛丁堡 Edinburgh Castle
晚- 5:30 fisher dinner Calton Hill 卡爾頓山
早-阿姆斯特丹-愛丁堡 Edinburgh Castle
晚- 5:30 fisher dinner Calton Hill 卡爾頓山
出發時間(月台) | 終 轉車站 起–(月台) | 抵達時間 | 票價 | 票種 | ||
9/13 edingburgh Airport → Airlink 100 Waverley station | ||||||
* 到機場門口19號stand-搭100 Express直接上車跟駕駛買票即可 | £3.5 | |||||
出機場 (愛丁堡機場國內線的行李轉檯為半開放式,與接機會面處在一起,一下機最好確認該班機行李轉檯號碼後,到行李轉檯處等後自己的行李出來,小心為上)
海關問了 我要去哪裡玩?多久? 就出關了 不到5分鐘^^
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